Today, the times are
progressing. therefore English is very important for us to learn early on.
English is one of the international languages spoken by many countries. In
some countries, English has become a second language for its people, because
the role of English as a language of international communication is very
important for various sectors, and Indonesia is one of the countries that now
make English as a second language, although not all Indonesian people do. So in
here I will research about Subject, Verb,
Complement & Modifier.
In General, Maybe we are so very familiar
with the name Subject, and Predicate (Verb) in a sentence. And basically, a
sentence can be said Sentence if it has both Component (Subject & Verb).
But what about the role of Complement and Modifier in a Sentence? Here I will
give an example what is subject , Verb, Complement & Modifier in a
wearing new clothes to the party tonight.
- Subject: Jihan can be interpreted as SUBJECT because it shows what or who is discussed in a sentence or clause.
- Verb: Wearing can be interpreted as VERB because it shows a word that serves to indicate the action of the subject indicates an event or state
- Complement: To the party can be interpreted as COMPLEMENT because usually in the form of noun (noun) or noun phrase (noun phrase) usually present after verb in active sentence
- Modifier: Tonight as MODIFIER serves to explain the time.
2. Rina
drank coffee milk yesterday
- Subject: Rina, because Rina is the person doing the action
- Verb: drank, because as a verb by Rina
- Complement: coffee milk, as a Complementary word for the drank
- Modifier: yesterday, as a description of place and time.
Here I will explain what is the Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier.
Subject is about what or who is spoken in a sentence or clause whereas
predicate explains something about the subject. Subjects can be people,
animals, objects, or abstract concepts. Second is verb, Verb are a class of
words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence
(be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a
verb shows what something or someone does.verb a function word to indicate the
action of the subject, showing events or circumstances. A Complement is
the part of a Sentence that comes after the Verb and
is needed to make the sentence complete. A Modifier is a word, phrase, or
clause which functions as an adjective or an adverb to describe a word or make
its meaning more specific. Tells the time, place or manner of the
action. Very often it’s a prepositional
phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a
preposition and ends with a noun.
upload: 21 April 2018 , jam 17:08